Pradeep B. Deshpande

Pradeep B. Deshpande

Pradeep B. DeshpandeABOUT THE AUTHORS

Pradeep B. Deshpande is Professor Emeritus in and former Chairman of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Louisville. He is also president of Six Sigma and Advanced Controls based in Louisville, Kentucky. He is an author of eight books and over one hundred fifty articles in reputed journals that include Proc. Royal Society–UK, Chemical Eng. Progress, Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Des Dev, Chem. Eng. Science, among several others He is a recipient of several international awards and is a Fellow of ISA.

James P. Kowall is an independent researcher based in suburban Eugene, Oregon. Jim obtained his MD from the University of Miami and a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Brown University. Dr. Kowall is a triple board certified physician (Neurology, Internal Medicine, and Sleep Disorder Medicine). He retired from private medical practice about a decade ago to spend time researching the nature of ultimate reality. He succeeded in 2014.

Sanatan Dharma

Modern Physics Unravels the Significance of Sanatan Dharma

By Pradeep B. Deshpande and James P. Kowall In Sanskrit, the word Sanatan means eternal, something that has no beginning and no end, and dharma may be loosely translated to mean duty, and so Sanatan dharma may be taken to mean eternal duty. So, what is the eternal duty of human beings? Modern physics unravels the mystery.  The year is …