Salina Shah

Salina Shah

Salina Shah About the Expert:
Salina is a former actuary and executive in healthcare analytics by profession and a certified master vegan educator by passion. She discovered the benefits of an ethical vegan lifestyle, learned about plant-based nutrition through the eCornell certification program, and adopted a healthy vegan diet as a breast cancer survivor.

Salina founded Ahimsa Consulting LLC to raise awareness of the vegan lifestyle, the dharmic principle of ahimsa, and promote better health outcomes through whole plant foods. She is also an associate producer of They’re Trying to Kill Us, an assistant producer of SLAY, and a board member of the Actuaries for Sustainable Health Care nonprofit. To learn more, please connect via



The Power of Plants: Demystifying A Vegan Diet By Salina Shah

Vegan diets have become mainstream, with advocates ranging from professional athletes to health experts to global superstars to environmental activists. More recently, the release of the popular Netflix documentary, The Game Changers, addressed misconceptions about health, protein, and strength from vegan diets and generated further buzz and curiosity about this plant-based way of eating. What is a vegan diet? A …