Radio Show

In the 1950s, a small but growing cohort of Rock and pop music fans, dissatisfied with the BBC’s output, would listen to Radio Luxembourg, but to some extent and probably not enough to have any impact on the BBC’s monopoly and invariably only at night, when the signal from Luxembourg was stronger. During the post-1964 period, western Europe offshore radio (such as Radio Caroline broadcasting from ships at anchor or abandoned forts) helped to supply the demand for the pop and rock music. The BBC launched its own pop music station, BBC Radio 1, in 1967.

The international broadcasts became highly popular in major world languages. Of particular impact were programmes by BBC World Service, Voice of America, Radio Moscow, China Radio International, Radio France Internationale (RFI), Deutsche Welle (DW), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Vatican Radio and Trans World Radio etc.

Source: Wiki

growing cohort of Rock

pop music fans

BBC’s output

Radio Luxembourg

BBC’s monopoly

western Europe offshore radio

Radio Caroline broadcasting

ships at anchor

abandoned forts

BBC World Service

Voice of America

Radio Moscow

China Radio International

Radio France Internationale

Deutsche Welle

Radio Free Europe

Radio Liberty

Vatican Radio

Trans World Radio

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