In 1988, the Oldsmobile car company launched an ad campaign “Not your father’s Oldsmobile.” This successful campaign told car buyers that a completely new car was on the market that all generations could love it. The campaign was effective several other companies copied the same concept for their ads.
Why am I am telling you this when I am supposed to discuss wedding registries? Well, trends in Indian weddings held in the United States are quite similar. What your parents did or did not do at their wedding or your older siblings did or did not do at their weddings is not applicable any more.
The same goes with wedding registries at Indian Weddings. At one time, it was considered “rude” to even mention anything about gifts on an invitation card or in casual conversation. But soon newlyweds realized they had no use for three toasters, eight photo frames, and four alarm clocks. The next thing you know, their first event as a couple is to host a garage sale.
The same goes with wedding registries at Indian Weddings. At one time, it was considered “rude” to even mention anything about gifts on an invitation card or in casual conversation. But soon newlyweds realized they had no use for three toasters, eight photo frames, and four alarm clocks. The next thing you know, their first event as a couple is to host a garage sale.
The next trend was that couples would list “no box gifts” on the wedding invitation. Yes it conveyed your message. But was bluntly putting that on the invitation rude or out of etiquette? In my opinion you may as well ask your guest to “Hand over your wallet.”