
Editorial June 2009

June 2009

Dear Readers,

Summer is upon us, which means children will be enjoying lazy afternoons in the park, families will vacation to faraway places, and we all will take a moment to enjoy the wonders of life. Whatever your plans this summer, Desh-Videsh hopes you will bring the most recent issue along with you on your travels or just a short visit to the park. This month, we focus on the successes of our fellow Indian Americans.

Many of us, even those who are not American Idol fans ardently watched the television show this year. Anoop Desai, a young and talented Indian American, was in the show’s top 13 contenders. While he did not win the coveted title, Desai is still a winner in the hearts of many around country! Read more about Anoop as well as about several other successful Indians in this month’s issue.

Each year, the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations honors successful immigrants at a special ceremony on Ellis Island in New York. This year, six Indian Americans were honored. We congrat-ulate the winners and are proud of their achievements. And of course, we can’t forget that this month we celebrate Father’s Day. We owe much to the hard-working and loving fathers in our lives. Happy Father’s Day to all of the fathers out there!

Happy Reading!

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