Kiran Rajkumar

Kiran Rajkumar

About the Author :
Kiran Rajkumar is a 9th grader in a science magnet program in South Florida. In addition to her studies, she is a long-time pianist and bharatanatyam dancer. She is also a Bala Vihar student at the South Florida Hindu Temple and regularly volunteers for Hindu causes in the community.

Hinduism and Vedic Culture By Kiran Rajkumar

Author by Kiran Rajkumar Hinduism, the oldest of all existing religions, is a genius concept developed by knowledgeable sadhus and disciplined saints. Vedic dharma is a unique practice far above all others. It is a Hindu principle that sets us apart from most religions shown most prominently in our passion for the environment. The well-known concept of ahimsa inspires us …