Rajan Narayanan
About the Author
Rajan Narayanan
Conducts teachers training for Life in Yoga Foundation and conducts Wednesday evening sessions at his home. He also jointly conducts Saturday morning sessions at the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple in Lanham, MD, with Durgadath Nanan.
He has been teaching yoga in the Washington area since January 1998. He has been trained in Meditation, Hatha Yoga, Praanayaama, Reiki, Praanic and Crystal Healing, Kriya Yoga, Karma Cleansing Rainbow Bridge Meditation, Vipassana Meditation and such techniques since 1981. He is a practitioner and an active researcher of yoga and related practices. He has also been a student of all religions of the world and is very interested in studying the yoga aspects of various religious practices.
He has evolved the 5-fold functional exercises of the Life in Yoga Foundation. His recent research is in the area of Mudras and energy patterns that define nature, personality and match among people. The AtmaVyakta Mudra, the AtmaPoorna Mudra and the BrahmaVyakta Mudra are part of the innovative discoveries. He has also developed a technique that removes Sanchita Karma that he has called Tryambaka Kriya.
Dr. Narayanan holds a Ph.D. in Economics, works in the area of Marketing, but his passion is Yoga.

Yoga for Both Preventive and Therapeutic Healthcare
Author by Rajan Narayanan By C. Rajan Narayanan, PhD, Executive Director, Life in Yoga Institute Most people think of yoga along the lines of gym exercise for fitness, and most medical professionals think of yoga as physical manipulation along the lines of physiotherapy. Both are grossly misinformed. The following are some quick spotlights for you to be better informed about …