Tazreena Sajjad

Tazreena Sajjad, Senior Professorial Lecturer, American University School of International Service, currently serves as Senior Professorial Lecturer in the Global Governance, Politics and Security Program in the School of International Service at American University in Washington D.C. Sajjad’s recent publications include “Refugees Welcome? The Politics of Repatriation” and “Return in a Global Era of Security: The Rohingyas in Bangladesh’ in Displacement: Global Conversations on Refuge.”

Bangladesh at 50: A nation created in violence and still bearing scars of a troubled birth
March 26 marks 50 years since the start of Bangladesh’s liberation war, a bloody nine-month campaign that culminated in the nation’s independence on December 16, 1971. It was a violent birth, with some of its roots in the 1947 partition of India – when Pakistan was created as a separate nation. As the British Empire left the subcontinent, …