Desh Videsh April 2015

Editorial April 2015

April 2015

Dear Readers,
While health-related topics are always in the news, we may not always be inclined to pay much attention. From new diets to mandates on what you should and should not eat, it can be difficult to keep up. We have the best of intentions to stay active and eat healthy, but actually putting good habits into practice is not always easy.

This issue’s article on superfoods helps find simple ways to add healthy foods to our diet. There is nothing exotic about eating more fruit, nuts, and green vegetables! And it’s relatively easy to add to your everyday meals. Small steps will help us all achieve our lifestyle goals!

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, so it is not a disease to take lightly. This month, we feature an article that helps us understand the cancer as well as ways to improve our lifestyles to reduce the chance of occurrence.

Yoga is another hot topic, and whatever your beliefs, no one can deny the benefits of regular meditation and yoga. Yoga expert Dr. C. Rajan Narayanan explains the medical facts behind yoga as well as how practicing works to better our bodies.

As many of you may know, this year is the centenary celebrations of Swami Chinmayanada’s life and work. An inspirational and enthusiastic speaker, Swami ji’s teachings continue to be practiced and taught today. Learn more about his youth and work in this month’s article.

As always, we love getting feedback. Whether topic suggestions for future issues or questions for our experts, email us anytime! Send your comments or questions to

In closing, we would like to thank all of the brides, grooms, and families who attended our MyShadi Bridal Expos in Atlanta, Tampa, and Ft. Lauderdale. While March was a busy, busy month, nothing gets us energized like newly engaged couples energetically planning a wedding! We especially thank all of our vendors for participating and supporting the shows. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next show in Orlando – date to be announced soon!

Raj Shah
Managing Editor

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