Walk it Off By Chahna Tailor

Walk it Off By Chahna Tailor

Walk it Off By Chahna Tailor

 word meditation means to focus or concentrate on one thing at a timeWelcome to wedding season! Planning a wedding can be super stressful, especially when you have to juggle a job, other responsibilities, and the pressures that come with the holiday season.

An important thing to remember is that you must take productive breaks in order to keep your mind balanced and sharp, otherwise you run the risk of burning out. If you have been following along with my articles, you may know that I am partial towards yoga and meditation as a way to relax. 

sitting in one spot for a while may not be everyone’s cup of teaIt is commonly understood that meditation requires you to take a seat in one location – but the word meditation means to focus or concentrate on one thing at a time, regardless of what that is, such as silence, a sound, something you can look at, or even a specific word or intention. Meditation involves clearing the mind and not chasing the ever-persistent thoughts that come through the head so that you can become fully consumed by the object of your focus. It just happens that it can be easier to do when you are seated.

Walking Meditation is when you take a walk and you use all of your concentration to be present and absorb as much of the moment as possible.But, sitting in one spot for a while may not be everyone’s cup of tea. So, why not combine meditation with an easy and enjoyable task?

Did you know that there is a type of meditation called Walking Meditation? 

It is exactly as it sounds. A Walking Meditation is when you take a walk and you use all of your concentration to be present and absorb as much of the moment as possible. While walking, you focus on the feeling of the ground underneath your feet, the breeze, the sights, and the sounds. 

Taking walks in general can be a great way to de-stressIt is important to use this time to not allow triggering thoughts to come in and disturb the moment. 

Everything takes practice. Sometimes, we take a walk to work through our thoughts. These walking meditations are used for the opposite. Try to avoid thinking about anything that can stress you out or just take you out of the moment.

While walking, you focus on the feeling of the ground underneath your feet Taking walks in general can be a great way to de-stress. With the weather being on the cooler side than usual, it is the perfect time to walk alone, with your partner, or with someone you love and get outdoors. 

Finding time in your schedule may be difficult, but even a 10 minute walk can do wonders for your mental health. Take a break when you can and unplug so that you can come back to the wedding planning with your full energy and love! 


Chahna TailorAbout the Author
Chahna Tailor is a certified yoga instructor with a background in occupational therapy and health science & administration. Occupational therapy opened up the doors of knowledge when it came to taking care of the Self first and leading a healthier life. This led her to the physical practice of yoga. Chahna deepened her practice by training in Rishikesh, India, where she studied the science behind yoga, pranayama, and meditation. Chahna is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Ayurvedic Medicine.

super stressful

occupational therapy

doctoral degree


certified yoga instructor

wedding season

Finding time


mental health

walking meditations

Chahna Tailor

holiday season

persistent thoughts

healthier life




physical practice

specific word

great way

Occupational therapy

cooler side

productive breaks

full energy

other responsibilities

enjoyable task

perfect time

minute walk


word meditation


important thing

health science

Chahna Tailor

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