Category Archive for: ‘Editorial’

  • Raj shah

    Editorial August 2023

    Dear Readers, Speaking about Indian Americans succeeding in the US is a really energizing and proud experience. Additionally, the fact that this Indian-American is seeking the nation’s highest position marks a particularly watershed time. I am, in fact, referring to Vivek Ramaswamy. Due to the …

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  • Raj shah

    Editorial July 2023

    Dear Readers, When we see our cherished Prime Minister Modi ji receive a historic welcome in the United States, it is a moment that fills us with pride as Indians as a whole and as Indian-Americans in particular. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has finished his …

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  • Editorial June 2023

    Editorial June 2023

    Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh Videsh, requested me to write a guest editorial for the Desh Videsh wedding issue. Rather than talking about the topics that are covered in this issue, I decided to take a bit of a different approach. In the US, …

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  • Raj Shah Managing Editor of Desh Videsh Media Group

    Editorial May 2023

    Dear Readers, The year 2023 is a watershed moment for Indian-Americans, with the thought that the next US President may be an Indian-American. There is already a long list of heads of state or governments in the world who are of Indian descent.  The list …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial April 2023

    Dear Readers, The Rise of India, Indians and Indian-Americans India is an ancient country, full of history and legends, with a thriving and diverse culture. In recent years, India and its people, and specifically Indian-Americans, have become increasingly influential in the world, not only in …

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  • Raj_shah

    Editorial March Atlanta 2023

    Dear Reader, Just get engaged? Overwhelmed by the thought of planning your wedding? Don’t worry, the Desh-Videsh Media Group staff is ready to assist you with their first 2023 Desh-Videsh wedding resource special edition. I frequently came across wedding planning information that was heavily laden …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial February 2023

    Dear Readers, This editorial is being written from India, the country I love the most not because it is my birthplace but because of the good energy I feel everywhere I go, from my friends and family to strangers on the street to rickshaw drivers. …

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  • Raj_shah

    Editorial January Atlanta 2023

    Dear Reader Let me first and foremost wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Let me use a verse from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the most well-known slokas in Hinduism: Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Om, May All be Happy, Sarve Santu …

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  • Raj_shah

    Editorial January 2023

    Dear Reader Let me first and foremost wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Let me use a verse from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the most well-known slokas in Hinduism: Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Om, May All be Happy, Sarve Santu …

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  • raj-shah

    Editorial December 2022

    Dear Reader It’s that time of year when the days become shorter and the seasons change again. We are reaching the end of the year 2022, so let me take this opportunity to thank the Almighty for a healthy and stress free year in comparison …

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