Category Archive for: ‘Editorial’

  • Raj Shah Managing Editor Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial December 2023

    Dear Readers, In the diverse cultural landscape of the United States, Indian weddings, and specifically Hindu weddings, stand as a vibrant bridge between ancient rituals and contemporary lifestyles. These weddings, rich in symbolic rites and rituals, are not just a celebration of a couple’s love …

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  • Raj_Shah

    Atlanta Editorial November 2022

    Dear Reader First of all, let me thank advertisers, readers and well wishers of Desh -Videsh in the Atlanta area. Because of your support we have been able to launch the Desh-Videsh Atlanta Edition. I also would like to thank all 17,000-plus people who have …

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  • Raj_Shah

    Editorial November 2022

    Dear Reader Every major religion in the world has a tenet around being generous, thankful, kind and hopeful. And these feelings become more prominent at festival time. I love festivals, both my Hindu festivals and non-Hindu festivals. Festivals bring hope, appreciation and kindness. In the …

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  • Raj Shah-Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial October Atlanta 2022

    Dear Reader First, let me wish a Happy Diwali to all of our Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and Buddhist readers and supporters. I would also like to wish all of our Gujarati readers a Happy Hindu New Year! May Lord Rama and Devi Laxmi ji bless …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial October 2022

    Dear Reader First, let me wish Happy Diwali to all our Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddist Readers and supporters. I would also like to wish all our Gujarati readers Happy Hindu new year! May Lord Rama and Devi Laxmi ji bless you and your family …

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  • Raj Shah-Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial September 2022

    Dear Reader What a difference a year makes! I can confidently say that we are on the other side of the pandemic. (I hope!) I can also — with even more confidence — declare that weddings are back! In fact, the wedding industry is gearing …

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  • Raj Shah-Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial August 2022

    Dear Reader Let me take this opportunity to wish a Happy August 15th Independence Day to all of our Indian readers and Happy August 14th Independence Day to all of our readers from Pakistan. Both of the countries are completing 75 years of independence from …

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  • Raj Shah-Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial July 2022

    Dear Reader Once again, it is a proud moment for all Indians and Indian Americans! Of the 12 finalists in the 2022 Scripps National Spelling Bee, 10 participants were Indian-Americans. The winner was Harini Logan, a 14-year-old Indian American girl from San Antonio,Texas. Social media …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial June 2022

    Dear Reader Into my will, I take thy heart Thy mind shall dwell in my mind In my words thou shall rejoice With all thy heart, May God join thee to me. What a beautiful vow newlyweds are making to each other when they are …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial May 2022

    Dear Reader Let me take this opportunity to wish all our Muslim readers a Happy Ramadan. May this divine month bring you and your family together, multiply your happiness, and fill your life with peace and grace. Let me also congratulate our readers from Pakistan …

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