Category Archive for: ‘Raj Shah’

  • Next US President may be an Indian-American

    Next US President may be an Indian-American? By Raj Shah & Arkamita Sengupta

    Like Britain, the United States of America may also have an Indian-origin president after the 2024 presidential election. The fresh faces of Indian descent for the US presidential election are Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy. This news has created a buzz across the globe as …

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  • Nikki Haley

    Nikki Haley’s Presidential candidacy and her views on Key issues

    Born on January 20, 1972, Nikki Haley is an American politician and diplomat who served as the 116th and first female governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017, as well as the 29th American ambassador to the UN for two years, from January 2017 …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial April 2023

    Dear Readers, The Rise of India, Indians and Indian-Americans India is an ancient country, full of history and legends, with a thriving and diverse culture. In recent years, India and its people, and specifically Indian-Americans, have become increasingly influential in the world, not only in …

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  • Feat Img 1

    The Real Story Behind the Film RRR By Raj Shah

    The movie RRR has been making waves in the film industry with its gripping story of rebellion and freedom. But what many people may not know is that the movie was inspired by a real-life revolt that occurred in Andhra Pradesh. The Rampa Revolt of …

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  • Raj_shah

    Editorial March Atlanta 2023

    Dear Reader, Just get engaged? Overwhelmed by the thought of planning your wedding? Don’t worry, the Desh-Videsh Media Group staff is ready to assist you with their first 2023 Desh-Videsh wedding resource special edition. I frequently came across wedding planning information that was heavily laden …

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  • Feat Img2

    Nikki Haley

    Nikki Haley is an Indian-American politician, diplomat, and businesswoman who served as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2017 to 2018. She was also the first woman to serve as the governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017. Nimrata Randhawa (her …

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  • Feat Img

    Celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023 By Raj Shah

    Today, we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and call for gender equality and the elimination of discrimination against women. Let us acknowledge the tremendous contributions that women have made to society and recognize the ongoing challenges that women face in …

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  • Indian Minister of External Affairs Dr.S.Jaishankar

    Why Indian-American Journalists and American-Media are Negative about India By Raj Shah

    Negative news about India is more exciting and sells more copies Indian-American journalists and American media outlets’ coverage of reporting on India not only sees the glass half empty but also sees fingerprints all over the glass This has resulted in a negative feedback loop …

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  • Hindu dharma

    Words to Live By…In today’s world, terrorism has no place.

    The world’s largest issue is terrorism. The world must speak in one voice and act in unison against terrorism, without any political considerations, he said. “We must enlist religious leaders, thinkers, and opinion leaders in a societal effort against extremism that is specifically directed at …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial February 2023

    Dear Readers, This editorial is being written from India, the country I love the most not because it is my birthplace but because of the good energy I feel everywhere I go, from my friends and family to strangers on the street to rickshaw drivers. …

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