Category Archive for: ‘Raj Shah’

  • Raj Shah-Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial October Atlanta 2022

    Dear Reader First, let me wish a Happy Diwali to all of our Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and Buddhist readers and supporters. I would also like to wish all of our Gujarati readers a Happy Hindu New Year! May Lord Rama and Devi Laxmi ji bless …

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  • diwali

    What Diwali Means to Me by Raj Shah

    About 10 years back, Aruna and I started this tradition at Diwali time that we will do Diwali pooja at our home and invite parents with young children. It had multiple reasons — first and foremost, our kids and grandkids live in California. Obviously, we …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial October 2022

    Dear Reader First, let me wish Happy Diwali to all our Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddist Readers and supporters. I would also like to wish all our Gujarati readers Happy Hindu new year! May Lord Rama and Devi Laxmi ji bless you and your family …

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  • Raj Shah-Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial September 2022

    Dear Reader What a difference a year makes! I can confidently say that we are on the other side of the pandemic. (I hope!) I can also — with even more confidence — declare that weddings are back! In fact, the wedding industry is gearing …

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  • Indiaat75 Ftr Img

    India @75: Achievements and Aspirations for the Indian Centenary By Raj Shah

    Once the largest economy in the world, India emerged from the rule of the “Evil Empire” in 1947 as one of the poorest countries. India, the land of the Vedas, the land of diverse cultural heritage uplifting the principle of “unity in diversities,” and the …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial June 2022

    Dear Reader Into my will, I take thy heart Thy mind shall dwell in my mind In my words thou shall rejoice With all thy heart, May God join thee to me. What a beautiful vow newlyweds are making to each other when they are …

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  • Dr Nuran Nabi

    The Role of Nixon-Kissinger in the 1971 Pakistani War Crimes Against Bangladesh By Dr. Nuran Nabi

    Review By: Raj Shah, Managing Editor – Desh-Videsh Media Group In 1972, Dr Henry Kissinger, the National Security Adviser to then US President Richard Nixon, called Bangladesh a ‘basket with a hole’. But more shocking was that President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger were silent …

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  • Article 370 Ftr Img

    ONCE AGAIN, Let us go over Article 370, Article 35A, CAA, NRC, and Triple talaq (instant divorce)!! by Raj Shah

    How Article 370 and Article 35A came to be… When India gained independence from the evil British Empire, the state of Jammu & Kashmir preferred to stay independent under Maharaja Hari Singh. Later in 1947, the Azad Kashmir Force, supported by the Pakistani army, attacked …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial May 2022

    Dear Reader Let me take this opportunity to wish all our Muslim readers a Happy Ramadan. May this divine month bring you and your family together, multiply your happiness, and fill your life with peace and grace. Let me also congratulate our readers from Pakistan …

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  • Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial April 2022

    We are tremendously excited to feature very interesting articles this month covering a wide variety of topics from the Ukraine crisis to a review of the recently released movie The Kashmir Files to a remembrance of the Jallianwalla Baugh massacre. First, let me talk about …

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