Category Archive for: ‘Raj Shah’

  • Artificial Intelligence

    There is a new kid in town: An AI (Artificial Intelligence) poet.

    Users can ask questions or narrate stories using the ChatGPT tool, which Open AI introduced in November 2022. The tool will then react with pertinent, natural-sounding questions and subjects. The user experience is intended to mimic a real conversation and encourage natural interaction with the …

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  • Raj_shah

    Editorial January Atlanta 2023

    Dear Reader Let me first and foremost wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Let me use a verse from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the most well-known slokas in Hinduism: Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Om, May All be Happy, Sarve Santu …

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  • Artificial Intelligence

    There’s a new kid in town: An AI (Artificial Intelligence) poet.

    Users can ask questions or narrate stories using the ChatGPT tool, which Open AI introduced in November 2022. The tool will then react with pertinent, natural-sounding questions and subjects. The user experience is intended to mimic a real conversation and encourage natural interaction with the …

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  • Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India

    Gujarat 2022 Election and The People’s Prime Minister

    He is at the zenith of power, yet so down to earth. He is synonymous with hope and humanity. The common Indian sees the new sunrise through him. He is none other than Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. The recent Assembly Elections …

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  • Raj_shah

    Editorial January 2023

    Dear Reader Let me first and foremost wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Let me use a verse from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the most well-known slokas in Hinduism: Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Om, May All be Happy, Sarve Santu …

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  • raj-shah

    Editorial December 2022

    Dear Reader It’s that time of year when the days become shorter and the seasons change again. We are reaching the end of the year 2022, so let me take this opportunity to thank the Almighty for a healthy and stress free year in comparison …

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  • SagarandMeera Ftr Img

    The New Big Fat Indian-American Wedding: How Destination Weddings are Changing the Game by Raj Shah

    The traditional Indian-American wedding is known for its grandeur, elaborate rituals, and large guest lists. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the way these weddings are being celebrated. More and more couples are opting for destination weddings, where they exchange …

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  • Raj Shah Managing Editor Desh-Videsh Media Group

    Editorial December 2023

    Dear Readers, In the diverse cultural landscape of the United States, Indian weddings, and specifically Hindu weddings, stand as a vibrant bridge between ancient rituals and contemporary lifestyles. These weddings, rich in symbolic rites and rituals, are not just a celebration of a couple’s love …

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  • Raj_Shah

    Atlanta Editorial November 2022

    Dear Reader First of all, let me thank advertisers, readers and well wishers of Desh -Videsh in the Atlanta area. Because of your support we have been able to launch the Desh-Videsh Atlanta Edition. I also would like to thank all 17,000-plus people who have …

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  • Raj_Shah

    Editorial November 2022

    Dear Reader Every major religion in the world has a tenet around being generous, thankful, kind and hopeful. And these feelings become more prominent at festival time. I love festivals, both my Hindu festivals and non-Hindu festivals. Festivals bring hope, appreciation and kindness. In the …

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