June 2005
Desh Videsh June 2005 – Cover Story

Enchanting Cities of West Bengal
West Bengal the land of fascinating charms welcomes you to explore its stupendous natural treasury. The state is rich with the city of joy Calcutta, vis-à-vis Kolkata, the state capital and so called cultural capital of India. The state is proud of scintillating sea beaches, marvelous mountains, fabulous forests and none the less heritage places like Murshidabad, Malda, Shantinekatan etc. …

The Relevance of Mahavir’s Values in Modern Times
Jainism is a magnificent treasure temple of Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography, History and Science it self. There cannot be a need to equate it with Science. Science is making steppingstone in the fields of several mysteries the world is keeping secret However Jainism have probably all the answers to them. Jainism is a magnificent treasure temple of Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomy, …

Mirza Ghalib – The great Urdu Poet
We roll back the years till we see Ghalib as the child of a feudal aristocracy, embodiment of a class, rather than of a class, rather than of a nation, for nationhood had not yet been born in India. We see him happy, while his father and uncle were alive after their death Ghalib became a part of the extended …