Medical Expenses
Medical expenses include doctor visits, prescriptions, hospital fees, and insurance premiums – expenses that YOU have actually paid. Total these all up and anything ABOVE 10% of your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) will be allowed as part of Schedule A deduction.
For example: AGI is $50,000 and total medical expenses are $6,000. Your schedule A allowed deduction for medical expenses is $1,000.
2018: Anything above 7.5% of you AGI will be considered for a deduction.
Charitable Gifts
With or without this deduction ALL people should give to charity in one way or another. You can deduct any charitable gifts only if you itemize and may only deduct a maximum of 50% of your Adjusted Gross Income; anything of excess will be carried forward for 5 years.
Mortgage Interest
This is interest paid on your house loan and one other residence and is deductible up to $1 million of debt if you itemize.
2018: New mortgages are only allowed to deduct the interest on debt up to $750,000. No deduction for the interest on home equity loans.
State and Local Property
ALERT – Make all tax payments in 2017! Currently, you can deduct all property taxes, state taxes and other local taxes.
2018: State and local tax total capped at $10,000 – this includes any combination of property, income, and sales tax.
Job Expenses and Miscellaneous Deduction Subject to 2% floor
Various types of expenses that includes unreimbursed employee expenses, tax preparation fees, and hobby expenses that generate income. You can only deduct expense total that exceed 2% of your AGI.
2018: Eliminated till 2025
Remember these are generalized deductions and may or may not apply to you personally. Please reach out to your tax advisor for specific advice.

About Nirali Chokshi, CPA
Nirali is a CPA working at her family’s accounting firm Chokshi Accounting & Tax Services in Orlando, FL. She graduated with her Masters from University of Central Florida in 2009.