Happy Ramadan

Happy Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadan starts on Tuesday July 9th 2013. On Behalf of the entire Desh Videsh team, we like to wish our Muslim readers Happy Ramadan.

Ramadan is a month of fasting for Muslims—a time for introspection, charity, and repentance in order to attain God’s mercy and blessings.

Ramadan is considered the holiest month of the Islamic calendar as it commemorates Allah sending the Archangel Jibril (Gabriel) to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to convey to him the first verses of the Quran.

Islam Scripture on fasting and Ramadan
“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard against evil.” (The Holy Quran, 2:183)

“And swallow not up your property among yourselves by false means, nor seek to gain access thereby to the authorities so that you may swallow up other people’s property wrongfully while you know.” (The Holy Quran, 2:188)

“He who does not give up uttering falsehood and acting according to it, God has no need of his giving up his food and drink.” (The Holy Prophet Muhammad)

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