January 2009
Desh Videsh January 2009 – Cover Story

Homeopathic Solutions for Challenging Health Disorders
Health is the state of harmony between the body and the mind. Disturbance of harmony in these two results in disease, expressed in the form of signs and symptoms. Since each organ has no separate existence in the body and all the organs are interdependent, one doctor should treat patients holistically by addressing the root cause of the problem rather …

Alternative Medicine from India
While typical and traditional medicine is the primary way of treating many illnesses, a lot of people around the globe search for the aid of alternative medicine out for their disorders. Alternative medicine succumbs to traditions, awareness, and ideas and methods including plant, animal, and mineral medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques, applied singularly for combination to treat, diagnose and prevent …
Community News

A loss of life, a community’s responsibility
As representatives of South Asian community-based organizations working to end violence against women, we are saddened by the recent murder of Reshma James, a 24-year old South Asian woman, just days before Thanksgiving. The tragic shooting death of Reshma James at the St. Thomas Syrian Orthodox Knanaya Church in Clifton by her estranged husband has stunned the entire South Asian …

How Can I Cope With Stress Naturally?
Author by Rashmi Murthy Stress. It may be a small word, but it certainly packs a powerful punch. We experience stressors on many levels, but normal stress response is an important part of a healthy life. It allows our bodies to adjust to changes in the environment, as when we wake up in the morning or deal with life-threatening situations …

Broward Aloha Math Kids First In Florida
Try solving – 628 x 85 + 19 x 40 =? You must be reaching for a calculator, but a child trained in ALOHA Mental Arithmetic can solve this in seconds using the Abacus technique of performing mathematical calculations. ALOHA stands for Abacus Learning of Higher Arithmetic. It is a Brain Development Program that is based on mental arithmetic using …
Get to Know, Incredible Indians

What Would Gandhiji Do?
The evolution of globalization as a multi-dimensional phenomenon is being widely discussed among scholars and thinkers around the world. The popular perception of globalization as a methodology for economic integration of the world acquires much significance. The most visible phenomenon of globalization’s impact on human societies is found with the rise and growth of social insecurity, which in other words …