April 2006
Desh Videsh February 2006 – Cover Story

These nine days are divided and devoted to the Trinity of God worshipped in a female form – three days for Durga (Goddess of valor) three days for Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth) and three days for Sarswati (Goddess of Knowledge and Art) Festivals in India are a regular affair – almost as regular like the rising of sun or the …

“Mere Paas Ma Hain” – the celebrated dialogue mouthed by Shashi Kapoor in the film Deewar sums up the status, position and importance of ‘Mothers’ in the Hindi films. Dating back to the very early days of Bollywood movies, on-screen mothers have played a major role. But, as far as performance is concerned, some actors have made an indelible mark …

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Make the divine your Valentine. Just be… and know that you are loved. That is Beloved” Sri Sri says that “In this world, though we are taught many a branches of knowledge like reading, writing, mathematics, science, music, arts at all, yet we have not been able to grasp the very essential Art of Living… India has, over the ages, …
Real Wedding

An experience to remember Arranged Marriage which my friends labeled as – ‘an act of coercion for the benefit of the parents!’ On the hindsight, I think that was the time I first started to like him. I always wanted to be with someone who understands me, and this guy has hit the bull’s eye on the very first day… …

Yoga helps disabled kids relax, relate and release The help of Yoga is being taken these days to rehabilitate the children with disability. Recently, the Maryland chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society held a workshop on teaching yoga to people – children and adults – with the disease. The family center at the Kennedy Krieger Institute is about to start …

Indian Films rock Germany and all set to shine at Toronto Fest ival! The recently concluded In dian Film Festival held at Stuttgart in Germany was an eye-opener of sorts before the Indians. No one had expected the kind of euphoria that was witnessed among the Germans in response to Indian movies. Members of an Indian delegation led by Minister …