Category Archive for: ‘Health & Fitness’

  • EXERCISE07 1

    Isolation Shouldn’t Stop People from Exercising Says Research

    Isolation means no access to sports clubs and gyms but this does not mean that people shouldn’t exercise. Bath University research suggests that maintaining a disciplined exercise regimen will offer a critical role in maintenance of a robust immune system. The global journal “Exercise Immunology …

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  • Aimil Fifatrol Tablet 500x500 E1591793337142

    Fifatrol identified as Immune Booster and COVID Warrior

    Health researchers recommend the use of Fifatrol as an immunity boosting natural supplement that can reduce the symptomatic distress of the disease and speed up recovery. Some 200 technologies and health supplements have been identified by the NRDC (National Research Development Corporation) that works on …

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  • Soaked Raisins Health Benefits Main E1591792970930 1

    Home Remedies for Acidity suggested by nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar

      Acidity may not seem to you as a serious issue in the first place but overtime the problem could lead to a multitude of more annoying health issues such as gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, esophageal ulcers, persistent coughs, laryngitis etc. So, you cannot just …

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  • Research Says That 2/3rd of Indians Lead Sedentary Lives

    With the constant barrage of news about the importance of fitness, health and physical activity, it’s surprising to see that 2/3rd of the Indian population follow a sedentary lifestyle. Market research says that 2/3rd of Indians don’t exercise despite there being lots of media hype …

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    Ten Guidelines from the Yoga Sutras: How to Stop Overeating and Eliminate Addictive Behavior

      The Eight Limbs of Yoga I.  Yam – life-supporting style of being 1.  Ahimsa—non-violence In order to be truly non-violent you must not harm others or yourself. First you have to know how to not harm yourself in order not to harm others. Overeating …

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  • Ayurveda vs. Modern Medicine: Alternative or Complementary?

    Ayurveda vs. Modern Medicine: Alternative or Complementary?

    By Chahna Tailor Happy February! Hope this finds you in good health! Speaking of health, what field of medicine do you use as your main form of treatment? Modern medicine or natural medicine? Most of us are likely to choose modern medicine. And why wouldn’t …

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  • New Year, SMART You!

    New Year, SMART You!

    By Chahna Tailor Happy New Year and Happy New Decade!! How is the year starting off for you? Have you created any goals that you would like to achieve? If you reflect on the past resolutions, how many have them have you kept? Studies show …

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    Ayurveda Remedies to Fight a Cold & Sore Throat

    Once a nasty cold, sore throat and cough sets in, we all know that it takes its own good time in going away, thus leaving your immunity system weak and exposed in the process, and taking a toll on your health. Whether it is due …

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  • Best Yoga Poses to Control Diabetes

    Best Yoga Poses to Control Diabetes

    Diabetes has become one of the most common health conditions these days. However, regular exercising can help in controlling diabetes. Yoga, in particular, can help in reducing blood sugar levels, aid in weight loss and help in reducing stress, all of which can help in …

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  • Healthy Times

    World Health Organization Updates its Essential Medicine Lists

    Currently WHO has a core list of 460 medicines, along with a complementary list of treatments requiring special care. The abortion drug, mifepristone was moved to the core list off its complementary list, deleting a note that said it required “close medical supervision”. “The Committee …

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