Category Archive for: ‘Community News’

  • Community Pride - Rajiv Chokshi

    Community Pride

     “Most Valuable Physician” Now Chief of Staff at Broward General Medical Center Loving husband, caring father, most valuable physician and wonderful friend, Dr. Rajiv Chokshi, is now holding the leadership role, which has never been held by any Indian or by any Asian here in …

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  • Christ the Messenger by Swami Vivekananda

    Christ the Messenger by Swami Vivekananda

    The wave rises on the ocean, and there is a hollow. Again another wave rises, perhaps bigger than the former, to fall down again, similarly, again to rise–driving onward. In the march of events, we notice the rise and fall, and we generally look towards …

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  • Community Pride Tom Abraham

    Community Pride

    INDIAN American nuclear medicine technologist Tom Abraham was elected as a council member in Orange City, Florida in 2007. He was born in India on August 8, 1945, in the ancient port city known as Alleppey. His love for English Literature and Teaching led him …

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  • A loss of life, a community's responsibility

    A loss of life, a community’s responsibility

    As representatives of South Asian community-based organizations working to end violence against women, we are saddened by the recent murder of Reshma James, a 24-year old South Asian woman, just days before Thanksgiving. The tragic shooting death of Reshma James at the St. Thomas Syrian …

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  • Indians in US Politics

    Indians in US Politics

    Traditionally, it is believed that Indians are very good at politics, whether it is within the confines of their homes, or in their locality or community, or in the greater spheres of state or national politics. That may be why, often when things do not …

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  • Words to live by

    Words to live by

    Valunteer in India Right outside my window, I could hear the waves crashing against Chowpatty Beach and the bells ringing at Maha Laxmi temple. I sat in a room with no air-conditioning, tying knots onto the ends of rope pieces as the students I was …

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  • The Indo-Caribbean Diaspora in North America

    The Indo-Caribbean Diaspora in North America

    In the twentieth century, many Indo-Caribbean people migrated to North America to escape the poverty, lack of equal opportunity and political abandonment that they experienced in the Caribbean nations. Coming to North America was a difficult decision because the Caribbean is, and perhaps always will …

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  • Global Unity Begins With Individual Peace

    Global Unity Begins With Individual Peace

    Author by Gurudev Shri Amritji (Yogi Amrit Desai) We stand at the dawn of a new age. Political, religious, social and racial conflicts on the planet have become a catalyst for an awakening of planetary awareness. More and more, people are becoming conscious of the …

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  • Sabeer Bhatia

    Sabeer Bhatia

    This is the phenomenal success story of a magnetic personality – a 40-year-old Indian, a brainy but bewildered kid from Bangalore arrived at the Los Angeles Airport in September 1988 after a 22-hour flight, jetlagged, and starving. He was 19 at the time, had only …

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  • Words To Live By

    “Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country” – US President John F. Kennedy Upon his appointment as the President of the United States, President John F Kennedy appealed to his fellow countrymen to come forward …

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